First it was Winchester '73. We settled in to watch the old classic from John's youth, in celebration of his birthday last week.
Winchester '73 is the guy's version of a Jane Austen chick flick -- the same thing happens over and over.
Winchester '73 is the guy's version of a Jane Austen chick flick -- the same thing happens over and over.
Austen's next scene is always about some encounter between males and females--who's going to marry whom?
Jimmy Stewart's next scene is always about some encounter between the good guys and the bad guys--who's going to shoot whom?
Next in the movie queue was Sergeant York, since the homeschool history class is studying WWI- the Great War.
Then came real life. Saturday woke us up with a strong sense of spring in the air, inviting my own hero into the back yard with his gun and one of his girls.

The good guys won every time.

that is a great picture!!! I love Sergeant York
Thats a nice rifle John has.I have Henry 22. but mine is not as fancy.
I love the photo!! That's great!!
Oh... that's so sweet!! I love that last picture.
I like both those movies... but it's been a while since I've seen the first one.
LOL! Great post!!! I really like the Sergent York movie that has Gary Cooper in it. Did you guys like it? I think it's really funny. :)
Maybe sometime you can show me how to photoshop pictures like the last one you posted. I love it!
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