Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Photo Road

I need to exercise. I need to lose some weight, and I need to keep the ol' ticker banging out its rhythm for the next several decades.

Yesterday, Merrill told me that she would be rising at 6:30 to sample the great outdoors with a little run/walk down the gravel. "I'll come with you," I volunteered. "I need to exercise."

We ventured out early into the cool grey, wearing our workout shoes and exercise pants. At the edge of the driveway, I spied morning's dew gathered into a single drop at the end of every blade of ditch grass. A thousand jewels, a thousand fleeting diamonds, crying out for permanance before lifting off into the sky, one molecule at a time.

I ran back to get my camera. Merrill ran ahead to get her exercise.

I spent the next half hour capturing water beads from every angle. Here are three of my favorites.

The road to flab is paved with good intentions.


Rebecca said...

those are gorgeous!

Lil red said...

LOL! Fun post. Did you photoshop the pictures?? I liked the comic you added. :D

Miss Alice said...

Annie-I almost always have to crop, and most times adjust the lighting. Not much time to Photoshop these days :/

Sheila said...

Beautiful! You have such an eye for these things!

Kristi said...

Those are so pretty. It's amazing to see how many wonderful little things God puts all around us, if we take the time to notice them.

Kourtney Ann said...

I love this post and the pictures and the comic! And I love you!!

Miss Alice said...

I love your comments, and I love you, too!