Friday, October 24, 2008

Apple Picking

Isn't this sweet? Great family time in the fall sunshine, with three generations picking apples from my generous neighbor's generous tree.

We wound up with enough apples to dry, enough to can applesauce, to make apple cake and apple crisp, enough for two batches of apple jelly.

I thought we were all working nicely together picking apples, when, suddenly, an armed native appreared in the tree.

Then my own father turned on me.

He muttered something about Tom Sawyer. Yes, picking the apples had been my idea, and yes, he and the others were doing the lion's share of the work.

But somebody had to take the pictures!


Nicky Story said...

I'm so jealous! I have never had apple jelly or apple cake. I wish Iowa was smaller - so you guys would live closer to me!!!
Great pictures as always - now I'm hungry for apple crisp!
Much Love!!

Miss Alice said...

You are so sweet! Come visit and we will feed you apple goodies.

Lil red said...

HAHAH. That is so Jeremiahish! :D I like the picture of your apple circles on the counter.

Thanks again for helping me with my math today.