Friday, January 2, 2009

Winter Joy

First, for our little town's winter parade, we dressed up the horses.

We sewed long, satiny mane rolls, fabric ribbons to braid in the horses' manes. We fashioned bright flowers from silk carnations, pipe cleaners and grosgrain ribbon. (Where is our florist friend Rebecca when you need her!??)

We spent the rest of the morning braiding and unbraiding, until we got it right.

Then we dressed ourselves in lots and lots of layers. Insulated coveralls may not look very celebratory, but we went for function over fashion.

That's Erica in the back. She and Merrill were supposed to be tossing chocolates to kids lining the streets. However, most of the kids lining the streets were sitting in parked cars with the heaters running, sheltered against 15 degree snow and wind.

Somehow, at the end of the parade, the candy supply was low and spirits were high.


Anonymous said...

That looks like loads of fun Aunt Alice!! Have a Happy New Year!!

Rebecca said...

beautiful! looks like tons of fun!

Lil red said...

The horses look lovely. I so wish I could have been there!