Friday, February 25, 2011

Obama's Bees

I was surpised to see beehives on the White House lawn last week.  Bees are legal inside the Beltway?  Who woulda thunk it?

Not only that, but there is a new fruit and vegetable garden on the White House grounds as well.  It was created in the spring of 2009, at Michelle Obama's urging.  That was well before the recent freeze of up to sixty percent of Mexico's fruit and vegetable crops.  The paper says the freeze is likely to send produce prices sky-high.  This might be a good summer for a whole lot of us to grow our own.  It's time to plant your indoor seed starts!


Miss Alice said...

My mom says, "Unless the bees have stung him, I really don't give a hoot about Obama's bees!"

Reed said...

Heard a nice piece on NPR about Nebraska agriculture last week - the report said that the ag economy in NE is going great guns --

Nice to hear good news!

How do you feel about the ethanol debate - that's big up here in MN - I kind of question the wisdom of using a large % of our corn for a gas additive with debatable impacts on oil consumption --