Recently I’ve been thinking about how much a little change in attitude can make a big change in my day or my perception of the world. A yucky job becomes tolerable, or maybe even pleasant, when I change my thinking. A difficult person can become an object of my compassion rather than recipient of my ire, and suddenly my knotted, hard heart is free. I am thrilled when I remember that my own thoughts, rather than my circumstances or other people’s actions, are the key to my joy. And that I can control my own thoughts.
This is not a new concept. Two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul wrote of “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”. It takes effort to bring something into captivity – captives don’t choose that role for themselves – but I’m finding that a little effort returns very large dividends in the peace of my soul. As a reminder, I’ve got a new email signature:
Chuck Swindoll fleshed out the thought in a way that is worth reading—click here. Take a minute and a half to read his words now; then ponder and tuck them away. If you pull them out in the midst of your next struggle, you may be able to set sail for a better place.
This is not a new concept. Two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul wrote of “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”. It takes effort to bring something into captivity – captives don’t choose that role for themselves – but I’m finding that a little effort returns very large dividends in the peace of my soul. As a reminder, I’ve got a new email signature:

1 comment:
Thanks for the reminder. I think of that every now and then in regards to that verse in Song of Solomon that says: "...little foxes...spoil the vine..."
Little unrighteous attitudes can fester and become a real ugly mess if they aren't dealt with. I thank God for faithfully reminding me to check my attitude. I think the bottom line is to keep our hearts soft before the Lord so we can adjust our attitude when He says we need it.
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