Friday, April 25, 2008


Wedged between my afternoon bowl of cereal and Leave It to Beaver, my mother used to ask me, "How was school today?"

I never ask my children "How was school today?" I usually know.

But now Rachel goes to school in another city, and sometimes tells me about the things she is learning. Like this profound haiku, beautiful Japanese poetry with a five syllable-seven syllable-five syllable line structure:
Haikus are easy

But sometimes they don't make sense.


Thank you for sharing your insight, Rachel. I'm glad to see that every penny of our investment in your "higher" education is paying off.


Sheila said...

Hahahahahaaa!!!! Refrigerator. Oh my...that made me laugh. :D

Anonymous said...

You should get her the T-shirt! They are at, and I love mine!

Love your blog from another Alice who hasn't been to Nebraska, but married a Husker.