Sunday, November 2, 2008

Buttoning up the Fall Garden

In the wide world of cornfields that surrounds my house, the big boys are still havesting.

But here at home, we have gathered the last of the pumpkins,
piled squashes on the picnic table,

patted soil over next year's garlic crop,

hidden spinach and brussels sprouts from winter's blast,

and said goodbye to gardening.

In the blink of an eye, February's flurry of seed catalogs will hit the mailbox
and we'll start again.
But for now, it's time to rest.       Time for ThanksGiving.


SwagGrabber said...

I just have to tell you...your photography is AMAZING! I was floored by some of the really beautiful pictures that you have done. I love photography but I am no where near as good as you. Do you mind me asking...what kind of camera do you use? I will keep watching for new pictures..

Sheri from SwagGrabber

Miss Alice said...

Sheri - you are very kind. I have a Panasonix Lumix with an 18x zoom. It is not a digital SLR, because I wanted something smaller and lighter that I could carry in my medium-sized purse. But it is not a compact little rectangle, either. I really like the long zoom! Thanks for your comment.

Sheila said...

Beautiful! haven't had Thanksgiving yet! :D