Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Friendship Myth

The girl next door got married last summer. Her fiance/husband had to disentangle himself from a number of female friends that he had acquired over his few years as a young adult.

It was a bit awkward, and a bit painful for those who didn't wish to be loosed. "You mean we can't even talk on the phone anymore??" they asked incredulously. "You mean we're not going to email any more? We're not going to Facebook?"

A look back through history indicates people have long known that it simply doesn't work for adult males and females to spend much time alone together and remain "just close friends." And yet, in media portrayal and in practice, this generation seems to think that young ladies and young men can be close, one-on-one personal friends, without the dating/mating mentality and hurts creeping in.

Call me skeptical, but I still think not. I had written quite a bit more on the subject when Rachel pointed me to an article that says it much better than I did.


It is well worth the read.

Kissing a lot of frogs probably doesn't find you a prince; it just makes you slimy.


Rebecca said...

that is and excellent article. thanks for sharing it!

Kristi said...

Thanks for the reminder! It's good to make sure our priorities are in the right place and that we are guarding our hearts.