Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to Buy a Bull

Buying a bull is easy.

1. Pore over the catalog.

2. Pore over the cattle.

3. Nod to the auctioneer.

4. Write a check.

We used to haul our daughters with us to bull sales. They held our hands and sat on our laps, thinking more about the free lemonade and sandwiches than the actual proceedings. One time I came in late to a very large and crowded sale, one that we were just watching with no intention of buying a bull. I stood scanning the seats to try and locate the rest of my family. A young daughter saw me searching, and waved. Glimpsing her flapping arm in the sea of bidders, the auctioneer mistook it for a $2000 bid. Fortunately, a real buyer wanted the bull more, sparing us an awkward situation in front of a very large crowd.

Times have changed. The girls know not to wave at auctions, and we talk with them about genetics, about how high we're going to bid and about which heifer they should buy to build up their own small herds. They're there because they want to be. That's fun.


Erica said...

Fun post. =)

huntinguy said...

Cowgirl_E, you stole my thunder.:)

Great post.