Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jiffy Pop

Thirty or forty years ago, I used to see TV ads for Jiffy Pop popcorn, but my family never actually bought the stuff.  

John and I ran across some in a store the other day, and decided it would help fight the winter doldrums.

Jiffy Pop, Jiffy Pop, the magic treat. As much fun to make as it is to eat!

Rachel's afraid it's going to blow, so she protects Audrey's eyes.

Parents, if you see this on your grocer's shelf, you really ought to buy it and pop it with your kids, at least once in your lifetime. It IS as much fun to make as it is to eat! Really.


Anonymous said...

OMG-ness! What memories Jiffy Pop brings back. I must find some so I can relive the fun with my kiddos!!! Thanks so much for stopping by the Cup. It was such a wonderful surprise! Diane

Miss Alice said...

Great to see you, Diane. And that was an absolutely first-rate cup of coffee! Carried me all the way to Oklahoma! :)