Thursday, September 22, 2011


This is my friend Derri.  She's very creative.

Derri maintains that EVERYONE is creative.  She says that even people who say they're not creative really are, because we're all made in the image of God.  He's the one who thought this whole thing up, the author and originator of creativity.

Derri's theory is that talent with imagination and vision take on many different shapes and forms, occurring in configurations that we don't always recognize as creative.

Creative people aren't just composers and artists and interior designers, Derri says, but maybe also the friend who listens carefully and then is able to encourage by reformatting a bad situation into one that has hope.  Or the person who looks at mess and chaos and, in his mind's eye, imagines organization, and begins to restructure the pandemonium.  Or the woman who hears at the last minute that there will be company tonight, and manages to build a healthy and attractive meal out of an avocado, six peaches, some leftover pork roast and half a bag of tortilla chips.

This is my friend Tammy.  She maintains that artist types like Derri say "everyone is creative" just so that the unimaginative won't feel so badly about our lack.  "Uncreative" Tammy, who picked up an antique sideboard at a consignment store and is plumbing it for sinks in her remodeled bathroom.

Plain ol' Tammy, who sewed doves onto grey-green army blankets from Goodwill to make these unique and artsy curtains that cover my French doors.

I think maybe Derri is right.  The people I know are all creative -- some with fabric and flowers and paint; others with outlook or gardening or problem solving or letter writing.  Creating good and order, peace and beauty, hope and joy where there was none.  Like God Himself.  And like you.

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