Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of School

Yesterday was Merrill's very first day of preschool.

She has a new job as a preschool aide.  She mixed up paint, matched colored circles, pasted, cut shapes and doled out "snack".

She reminded me that most mommies take a picture when the kiddoes head out for their first day of school, so I did.

Merrill loves preschool.


Shannon said...

Am I wrong...or is that an OLD FASHIONED BLUE VOLKSWAGON BEETLE????? and is it really yours/
Merrill's??? I've always wanted a yellow one myself, but it seems a little impractical now that I have 4 kiddos and a husband... :)

And she's right - my mom *always* took a picture of us on the first day of school. :)

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I'm suffering from the same Bug-envy as Shannon. Complete adorableness.

MissAlice said...

Yes, Shannon, it is as described! It is a really fun car, but I agree -- not suitable for a family with small children. And, honestly, it has a lot of character but a little less comfort -- bouncy, noisy, tiny interior, no AC. I wouldn't want to drive it to Texas!

But it is certainly a lot of fun for getting back and forth to preschool, or hopping over to the grocery store, etc. Come visit and we'll give you a ride!