Sunday, November 6, 2011


You didn't forget my creative friend Derri, did you?

I think Derri is creative in part because she surrounds herself with other imaginative folk.  They spontaneously see joy, invention, and newness in places where my eyes are bouncing along half asleep in the same-mobile.

Like Derri's friend Ellen, who has embarked on a project to create one heart every day, for a year.  Turns out Ellen's world is full of funky, colorful, wispy, bold and crazy hearts, lurking everywhere and just waiting to be born. Like this one:

and this one:

and this, made from a rubber band and two staples:

Ellen posts photos of her hearts here ( - a new one every day.  Be sure and visit often for a fun journey through Ellen's heARTsy world.

I've never met Ellen, but I credit her for turning my flour-laced counter into a blank canvas the other day when I was baking.  I wasn't really planning to copy Ellen, but before I knew it I had reached up and swiped my index finger through, creating a little heArtwork of my own.

A whiff of creativity can put sparkle into the most tedious tasks.  And it's delightfully infectious.

How can  we catch a bit today?

(Thank you, Ellen.  I hope you have a happy Sunday!)


Ellen Petti said...

Alice! Why thank you, thank you! I am blessed that you have mentioned me and my 365 heART project! I love your flour heart (if I ever had the occasion to roll out dough I might do this myself!) and have enjoyed your incredible photos since Derri told be about your blog. Your artistic eye is quite something! May you be as blessed as I've felt today.

Miss Alice said...

Smiles to you, Ellen. Someday, we meet! :)