Someone has "tagged" me via cyberspace. Computer tag rules are:
*Post the rules on your blog
*Share six non-important/habits/quirks about yourself
*Link to the person who tagged you
*Tag six random people by linking their blogs at the end of your post
*Let each random person know she has been tagged by leaving a comment on her blog.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    This is who tagged me. Thanks to Erica for the photo.
I remember the last time I played a game of real tag, not in the computer realm. It was on a big piece of playground equipment. The other contestants were lots younger, and lots faster, and their enthusiasm ran longer than mine. I frolicked and chased and tagged for a time, but after a bit my attention wandered. The rules and the boundaries faded; I strayed off in search of my camera or a bit of conversation.
Same for the cyber world. You may tag me, but I might just make a faltering attempt and then wander away, looking for a cup of tea.
In that vein:
1) I can do a funny "lip trick" that no one I've ever met could duplicate.
2) I used to wish I were a boy, when my mother would call me in to set the table while leaving my brother outside playing swords with my male cousin. I'm so glad we don't always get what we wish for.
3) I'm not very good at anything after 9 p.m., but I can fall asleep in less than ten seconds.
4) I've met Garrison Keillor. I've been in the same room with Ronald Reagan and, later, Mikhail Gorbachev.
5) I lived in Germany for three years, beginning when I was six.
6) Once I rode my bicycle all the way across Nebraska.
Whew. I'm out of breath. No tag backs.
1 comment:
Great post Mrs. Wood!
Wow! I didn't know you actually lived in Germany or that your rode your bike across NE. Those are great accomplisments.
Andrew can do something with his upper lip too, so maybe you should have a showdown. ;)
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