Everyone should grow some alfalfa.
If you load your alfalfa onto a truck and sell it to someone else, you can convert it into cash.

Horses convert alfalfa into an afternoon of relaxation for their owners,

and cattle know how to convert alfalfa into a glass of milk or a T-bone steak!
What's not to love about alfalfa? Don't you need some of this very versatile crop?

It smells really good in the barn, too.
Barn and draft horse photos by Merrill
This is one of my favorite posts of yours. :)
Oh, everything is so green!!
I think someone should make a candle that smells like alfalfa. It's one of my favorite smells ever!
Not to mention that the alfalfa production was my entire livlihood last summer! Raking, windrowing, baling...
Good post, Mom. :)
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