Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good

for His mercy endureth forever.


Shannon said...

Was this yesterday? (Shudder.) That's exactly how they look in my dreams, only there's usually a few hundred at a time. I'm glad you all were - ARE - safe and sound!

Lil red said...

Did any tornados actually touch down by your place? We had some pretty bad weather up here ( we even got hail ). Our weather radio kept going off with all these warnings.

Rebecca said...

wow, that's a little scary... and awesome at the same time.

Miss Alice said...

Funny that you dream about tornadoes, Shannon. Why, I wonder? Yes, this was last night. It was pretty awesome.

Annie - As far as I know, no tornadoes touched down in the county. We watched for a while, but when the siren kept going off, we went to the basement.

Miss Alice said...
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Lil red said...

You could hear the siren all the way from Bellwood???

Anonymous said...

Wow, my mom said you all were having severe storms out there yesterday (Monday?). I am glad everyone's ok.

That reminds me of Nahum 1:3 - The LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.