More signs of fall: the combine is undergoing surgery.

Combine surgery requires precision, just like medical surgery.
Combine surgery requires lots of money, just like medical surgery.

But at least you get to do combine surgery out in the sunshine, with a little breeze flipping through your hair. And if you mess it up, the combine doesn't sue you.
AHAH! I like this post.
I was noticing the cat on the roof, in the picture from your last post. Did she climb up there, or did the girls carry her up?
Wow, that's neat. You do this every fall?
Every Fall :)
What a fun post Mom! I really liked reading it. Your analogy is a lot of fun!
Yes, that is a good thing - not getting sued if you mess up! :) That made me laugh!
oh, shannon already said what i was thinking about the combine suing you. oh well. it's still funny!
"Your Honor, my client suffered the indignity of having it's vital organ spread all over a driveway!"
Neat post!
Annie - The cat climbed up by herself.
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