Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Homeschool Huddle

Daddy, pleeeeeeeeeeease could we turn the heat up just a wee bit?


An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Awww poor Erica... How cold is it there??

Lil red said...

HEHEHE! One of the beauties (as my Dad would say) of homeschooling is that you can cuddle up in warm blankets and sit on the couch while you do your school.

Kristi said...

LOL! That reminds me of Jenny when she visited home from college. Apparently the dorms were a lot warmer than our house...

We would come home from someplace and the heat would be turned up - we could tell the house was a good deal warmer than usual! No one ever had to ask whodunit...

Miss Alice said...

Old Fashioned, it is a chilly 25 degrees! And that's up quite a few from when I took the photo.

marmaladeinstead said...

I'm excited about coming home, but perhaps I should buy warm socks before I get there? :)

Shannon said...

25?!? IN the HOUSE?!? and I thought we were die-hards leaving it around 60 all winter - it's especially uncomfortable in our leaky house when the wind is blowing and you can feel the breeze across the bare wood floor go blowing up under your skirts... my dad's response to "i'm cold" was always, without fail, "go put more clothes on." it didn't seem to matter that we were already wearing 2 or 3 full outfits... :)
and i'll have to remember annie's comment - i've been coming up with all sorts of "it's so good we homeschool because..." to convince chloe that the kids at the public elementary school really AREN'T having fun all day even though it seems they are always out on recess...

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

no i think it's 25 OUTside.... I should hope at least...

Lil red said...

Oh, I can come up with more ideas Shannon if you need some more. I went to public school for a year, and it's REALLY not as much fun as homeschooling. Your Dad sounds just like my Mom. She tells us the exact same thing. Although us kids generally cold because we have on t-shirts and no socks..... In stead of putting more clothes on, I just grab a blanket. :0

Miss Alice said...

Currently 23 OUTDOORS! 64 indoors, which is really not unbearable. Just a little chilly. John's got the same answer - go put on more clothes!