To fend off the cold, she put on an old Carhartt jacket that her dad has abandoned; one that is frayed and stained with oil and diesel fuel. She really wants a Carhartt of her own - new and well-fitting - but yesterday she had to make do with Dad's. I told her that the soil and tears made her look like a genuine working cowgirl, but she wasn't buying.
Perhaps she wants to mix some fashion in with her authenticity.
To a mother's eye, the stains and rips are invisible, covered over by the smile.
Did she get to ride Jackson when you moved the cows?
Yep. Jackson indeed.
That is a great Erica picture!!! You've caught a great look on her face (one I've never seen before)--it must be because she was looking at you!
Aww, that's A great picture and post, miss ALice!
give anoymous a hug from me will you????
Definitely the old jacket looks more authentic. :) Don't be embarrassed, Erica - you look fabulous :)
So that settles it. That should be CowgirlE's blog face pic. Because it REALLY IS a great picture. Big fan of candids. Will take one good candid over a thousand posed any day of the week and twice on Sunday
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