Saturday, December 29, 2007

Woods Carry Wood from the Woods

I read in the paper that some people in the city are paying up to $2500 for a "farm" weekend - gather eggs, make bread, toss hay to the cows and horses.

That whole scenario sounds to me a lot like Tom Sawyer charging his friends to whitewash the fence.

If we ever do farm weekends for pay, should we charge extra to gather firewood?


DaveWick said...

Awww I think the wood from the woods at the Woods should just be part of the package. You better watch out, the farm weekend business might turn out to be more profitable than the farm :)

Incomplete said...

One word: Confiscatory. Everything is extra. (ha)

Oh, you need an aspririn? In our gift shop, you can purchase a two pack for $3.95

Yeah, 52 weekends, times . . . well, you do the math.

"Oh wow! I just love painting this fence!" (whistle whistle whistle)

And just think of the out-reach possibillites. It is of course customary to attend church when one lives on the farm. And have family Bible time every morning, EVEN Saturday.

Of course, the compasionate business man would charge only a minimal rate for close friends and extended family. (smile's benignly)

Let me know if you need any help with the planning, and I will be sure to tell you NOT to talk to me.

Miss Alice said...

Incomplete: John and I are laughing out loud. It sounds like you are the PERFECT person to help with the planning. After you finish, your family needs to be our first set of guests.