My daughters, in bright flowered dresses and lacy socks, used to dangle their legs from the padded chairs at church conferences. Quietly drawing crayon pictures in their spiral notebooks, they labored to write "To Karen" (or Cathy, or Kristi, or.....) as the preaching floated over their pig-tailed heads. Between meetings, they reached for the hands of bigger girls, following them through the meal lines and outside for walks and talks in the sunshine.
Don't look now, but I think the tide has turned.

And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. Mt. 10:42
Mom I love this post!
(It is Erica. I'm just signed in as Lyds. :p)
Great Pics!!! My favorite is Aud and Sarah B. (but I'm just a teensy biased)
That is a great picture of Audrey and Sarah. Could you include it in your CD to me? I'd like a copy...
P.S. Erica, should I expect a post on Lyd's Blog
Ah, yes, the notes... those are sweet memories, but even more wonderful is to see those same little girls growing into beautiful, Godly young women!
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