Thursday, July 26, 2007

Garden Time

Every morning at 6:30 we have garden time. Well, OK......a few mornings a week, at 6:40 or so, some of us have garden time. It was Audrey's idea, and it is a grand one. Usually, by August, I am ready to mow off or plow under; a neglected garden is not a pretty sight, and ours curses or blesses me from right outside the kitchen window. But this year, thanks to garden time, the garden is not only produtive, but also lovely.

Audrey's first job at garden time is to search for squash bug eggs. She usually finds them. If you don't pick them off, they will hatch into a thousand squash bug nymphs. Nymphs suck the juices out of the vines, killing them. Worse, they grow into adults who provide the next set of eggs and nymphs

These are sqaush bug eggs, and the mature bug who probably laid them. I should have taken another shot of the bug, since this one is slightly out of focus, but I was in too big of a hurry to kill it.

Merrill's sunflowers are thriving. Her photo, on the right, won a purple ribbon (that's the best!) at the county fair last week.

I'm not sure Merrill was completely thrilled about weeding her sunflowers or being in front of a camera this morning at dawn, but she was a very good sport!

See you tomorrow at 6:30 a.m.!


Anonymous said...

Too bad we can't wear sweatshirts in the morning where we live! The boys had a great time at the Fisher Fair this summer - and won some prize money for their little garden's produce! Caleb wanted a red ribbon this year (because he got a blue one last year), so he was perfectly contented with Isaac getting the two blues and he got a red and yellow! I know this is not how you are supposed to comment on blogs, but oh well, I can't remember your email addy!
love you early morning people!

Miss Alice said...

Hi, Kate! I love to hear from you, any way, any how. You will have to explain the way a horse goes......?

What did Isaac and Caleb grow and enter?

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks great! How big is it?