The cows are out of grass again. Moving them started innocently enough, with a gathering of horses, four-wheelers, and people. Here we sit, listening to John's instructions and waiting for a couple of helpful friends to show up with their horses. Nothing ominous in this picture, is there? We didn't think so.

Get along, little dogies. Stay off the tracks and out of the corn. Nothing ominous about that.......until.........
This is very ominous. The cows heard it before I did. They bolted into a dead run. Then the train split the rodeo and blocked the view.
Time stood still while one hundred cars of grain barreled past, one loud clackety-clack at a time. With nothing to do but wait, it seemed a very long train.
The last car slipped away, the view opened up. Everything was still and quiet: John, girls, four-wheelers, friends, horses......and no cows. When the train passed them, they barged into an adjacent corn field and disappeared into a sea of tall green.
Nothing to do but go fish them out.
An hour later, we were back where we started, trying to keep cows out of corn as we moved them to new pasture.
Only this time, we were all tired.......
With the cattle finally where they belonged, we waited for John to return with the trailer.
Time to load up and go get a drink. Here are the cows, safely at rest in new, tall grass. Do you see anything ominous about this picture?
Mom I told you the last post was my favorite so far, but I don't know, this one might be now. It's really, really good!
"I don't think I'll ever forget the picture I saw...my 31 cows, 2 fourwheelers, 5 horses, and 7 people racing 40 mph down the railroad rightaway....and a train racing 45 mph down the tracks"
Yak, not the BEST cow moving experiance ever, but I guess it all came out in the end.
I know I shouldn't but I want to laugh... it sounds so funny. NOW THAT EVERYTHING TURNED OUT ALRIGHT, of course. I'm sure if I had been there I wouldnt' have laughed... :-)
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